About me

People always ask me how does an Army pilot turn into a  canon lawyer for the Roman Catholic Church and a podcast host for books about history and culture? My answer always begins with a question; Have you seen the movie series The Terminator? Do you know what it is really about, besides robots, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sarah Connor. The quizzical look along with the silent “okay lady your cheese has slipped off your cracker” I read in the body language is always worth the conversation. The sub context of the Terminator asks the viewer what does it mean to be a human being.  

That question is why I do what I do. The search for the answer has led me through the long halls of theology, philosophy, science, culture, history and anthropology. The answer dumped me with a thud at the doors of the Catholic Church. A human being is the reflection of a loving creator who has granted us the freedom to search for the meaning of being a human being. Our answers bring us closer or further away from the truth. What we do with those answers is called freedom and creativity. 

Join me in this search to seek the truth in the light of eternity. It’s one heck of a ride!